Elias Ramzi - AI Research scientist

I am a Research Scientist at valeo.ai. I am working on deep learning and computer vision. I obtained a PhD in computer vision at Cnam under the superivion of Nicolas Thome (Sorbonne Université), Nicolas Audebert (IGN) and Clément Rambour (Cnam).


  • I started at valeo.ai as a research scientist.
  • Our paper for local prompt learning, GalLoP, was accepted to ECCV 2024.
  • Our paper ITEM on improving the learning and evaluation of Message-Passing GNNs models in the recommendation task has been accepted at TMLR.
  • I defended my PhD thesis on the 20th of March. I now officialy hold a PhD 🎉
  • My pre-print submitted to TPAMI is now online; it contains the first of its kind hierarchical landmark retrieval dataset
  • Our paper on OOD detection, HEAT, using energy-based models has been accepted to ICML 2023.
  • Our paper on hierarchical image retrieval, HAPPIER, has been accepted to ECCV 2022.
  • Our paper on ranking metric optimization for image retrieval, ROADMAP, has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021.
